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With March being “All Things Open” here at the gym, you can expect to see fewer benchmark workouts. We don’t want coming to the gym to create anxiety or be too focused on testing. That being said, we’ve got goals for the month, here’s what you can expect. 2 CF Games Open WODs – 3/4 and 3/11 1 House Benchmark WOD – “Breaking Bad” Week of 3/7 3 Skill / Lift Tests – 3RM Back Squat, Double Unders and Strict Pull-ups How to approach these: For the Open WODs – show up and have fun. Most of you experienced week 1 here at the gym and you get it – work hard, have team spirit and lift up others by counting and cheering! Our benchmark WOD “Breaking Bad” brings us back to running with some 200m runs built in. Its a good way to welcome the start of Spring –...
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Member Of the Month Returns Way back when, in the old space, we never missed a single month of our Member of the Month Celebration.  The we moved, and then the pandemic, and before we noticed, it had become a thing of the past.  After a ton of requests, and some time revamping it with the coaches, we are happy to be bringing this milestone event back to CFC. The member of the month is chosen each month by the coaching staff.  We aim to choose a member who has committed to the culture, and core values of our gym.  This usually ends up being someone that is here all the time, attends gym functions, encourages others, and generally tries to embody the spirt of what we do here. Once selected, the chosen member is sent a survey to fill in with his or her favorite and least favorite workouts...
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Open News for this Friday, 2022 Benchmark Skills and Lifts, and Congrats to our Member of the Month!! 2021 Mad Mullets The 2022 Open is here!  This Friday you’ll experience one of the most exhilarating workout environments that you can imagine.  Come for the workout, stay to show your support, and hang out in our weekly post Open socials.  As you know, each week will carry a theme for Friday’s event.  For week one the theme is “Team Spirit”.  So in order for you team to be awarded the 5 points for “Theme”, you’ll have to be the team that most embodies the idea of “Team Spirit”.  What does that mean?  That’s up to you and your team, its being loosely defined purposely with the hopes that you make it your own and have some fun with it.  Maybe the dogs come in with collars on?  Maybe the “Mad Mullets”...
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By the time I’m done writing this newsletter, I’ll probably have spent more time thinking of that title than actually writing this, haha. Got a good name for our weekly updates? I’m all ears. Although, I love movies, and SEVEN is awesome, so if you’re old enough to get the reference , hit me with a reply – no its not from Justin Timberlake. Old News Open gym use during prime time hours 5:30 – 7:30pm Monday through Friday requires a sign in. We’ve never turned anyone away, and we’d hate to do that. This is across the board gang, if its your first day or you’ve been here 9 years. The Forge is open to members with unlimited memberships only, as an add on to their group training. We have at least 5 spots available each session, each night. Beginning now we’ll need to keep tabs on this and...
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