
Here at CrossFit Thermal, we are committed to bringing you the best of everything we have to offer – from our daily WODs, to our products, services, and events.  Knowing that our community is always up for a challenge, we have something in mind unlike anything we have ever offered before. It’s a throwdown of epic proportions. Forget about pull-ups,wall balls, and cleans for one night. Fran, Karen, and Grace have nothing to do with this.  On Friday, November 20th at 7:30 PM, CrossFit Thermal will be hosting the first ever“Thermal Quidditch Throwdown”. This is your chance to put yourselves to the test, as we take everyone’s favorite warm-up game, and turn it into a max-effort tournament-style throwdown! Here’s what you need to know: The TQT is open to all members of the gym Teams need 4 players total with at least 1 girl on every team Games are played to 3 goals with...
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If yesterday was a marathon, today is a 100m dash! We’ll see who’s proficient at double unders and then can handle the aerobic work of holding onto a kettlebell for 50 reps. Lastly, we’ll see what mental fortitude you have to push through 25 burpees as fast as you can. Scale double unders down to either a manageable number, or this is one that you may scale to 200 single unders to get through quickly. Strength Oak Strong Conditioning For time: 100 double unders 50 KB swings, 53/35# 25 burpees
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Constantly varied – not everything we do in life will be in the 10-15 minute range we usually like. Sometimes we need to go long, so today is one of those days. Cleans may be anyhow – power or full. Scale pull-ups with bands or ring rows per usual. Find a pace and settle into it; this is not one that you want to sprint out of the gate! AMRAP in 30 minutes: Run 400m 7 cleans, 155/105# 14 pull-ups
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Strength Oak – Week 3 Conditioning For time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Push presses, 95/65# Box jumps, 24/20″ For the metcon, push presses are going to be the most efficient for this type of workout, but you may read this as “shoulder to overhead” – so theoretically you may shoulder press, push press, or jerk. For box jumps, you’ll need to establish control on top of the box and then be able to jump or step down.
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Strength Split Jerk 2,2,2 Conditioning 5 rounds for time: 10 OHS, 95/65# 25 sit-ups 50 double unders
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