
Complete Your daily OAK training, you’ll either be on day 1 or 2 today. Conditioning is an interval style workout. Starting at the front of the gym, athletes will complete 7 burpees, then take off on a suicide sprint.  We will do this in heats so athletes will be given “full” recocery between efforts.  For today’s result please log your slowest time for the sprint.” Strength Oak Strong Conditioning 5 Intervals of 7 Burpees and 1 Suicide Sprint
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Hey guys, there has been a buzz around the gym about some Fall events that are coming up.  I just wanted to write a quick blog post to put them all in one place for us…here we go! Nutrition Challenge Ends on 10/28 – please submit your journals, before and afters, results and findings to [email protected] for review.  Winner to be announced! Saturday October 31st – Barbells for Boobs – Annual Fundraiser and Halloween WOD and party at CFT – details here. Sunday November 1st 2015 Waxtober Fest!!!!  Craft beers and Football at the Wax’s!  Come out and celebrate the end of the nutrition challenge Saturday November 7th Ghouls and Gals Team Throwdown – Come see Nate, Jess, Sizzle and Maggie represent CFT in this Halloween inspired local competition
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2 AMRAPs, each a couplet, with 5 minutes rest between. Take time to warm up the lifts to hone in those motor patterns. We’re doing the power variations of the snatch and CJ since we’ll be squatting more than usual with the start of Oak Strong. Scale the weight if you need to, and find a progression for HSPUs that works for you (pike position on a box, wall walks for those uncomfortable going upside down, etc) AMRAP in 8 minutes: 5 power snatches, 135/95# 10 HSPUs rest 5 minutes AMRAP in 8 minutes: 5 power clean and jerks, 135/95# 10 box jumps, 24/20″
Read more Today’s the first day of our Oak Strong Program. If you didn’t do so last week, ignore this programming and focus on obtaining a 5RM/1RM for each back squat and press. If you have a recent 5RM for the squat, you may skip that. For the metcon, you’ll do a full Tabata of Apollo Ono’s (total reps) and then a full Tabata of Sit-ups (total reps). See video for Apollo Ono instruction and scales. Strength “Oak Strong” Conditioning Tabata Apollo Ono’s Tabata Sit-ups
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