
Take 20-25 minutes to build up and find a 1RM Power Snatch.  Remember, this is a power snatch, not a muscle snatch, you should still be pulling under the bar on the third pull.  Most people should be just above parallel when receiving a heavy power snatch.  For conditioning, we’ve got some mid-line work, tabata style.  Throughout the tabata, you’ll alternate toes to bar and hollow rocks. :20 of T2B, :10 seconds off :20 seconds of hollow rocks, :10 seconds rest.  Your score will be your total number of T2B.  As a scale consider V-ups and plank holds. Strength Power Snatch 1,1,1,1,1 Conditioning Alternating Tabata Toes to Bar Hollow Rocks
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Over the past week I’ve received a ton of emails and posts about goals for the Fall Nutrition challenge. Most of the goals were about fat and overall weight loss, but some folks want to gain size and muscle during the challenge. There are a couple things to think about if you’re in the “gain” camp.  At Thermal we do a great job of integrating our strength training into our CrossFit classes, but sometimes its a good idea to consider adding a strength session or two if overall size and raw strength are your goals. We are fortunate to have a dedicated space on site for such training with the “Forge” The health benefits of Paleo can’t be understated. By limiting carbohydrate consumption we keep our insulin levels at a healthy threshold and are able to maintain lean body mass. The problem for some people looking to gain weight and...
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Don’t forget to submit your Nutrition Challenge Goals!!!! Challenge starts on Monday…. “Nasty Girls” 3 Rounds For Time 50 Squats 7 muscle ups 10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
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In this team workout, you will alternate for each segment. The exact order will be the following: Athlete A – run 200m , Athlete B – run 200m , Athlete A – 42 wall balls ,Athlete B – 42 wall balls and so on and so forth…. TIME! Athletes may use different size equipment if needed. They must go in this order and finish each segment before moving onto the next. In teams of 2: Run 2x200m then 42-30-18 Wall balls, 20/14# KB swings, 53/35# then Run 2x200m  
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If the Pope had a benchmark workout named after him, it would be this. A sandwich format, You’ll go through these movements one at a time and complete them before moving onto the next. Barbell should come from the ground – if you’re limited by your clean and press overhead to your back, then lower the weight. Box jumps should be relatively high compared to typical workouts. For HSPU’s, scale to wall walks, stink bugs, or inverted pike position with feet on a box. Most athletes should do double unders, but you may need to scale to 50. “YOPO” For time: 20 back squats, bodyweight 20 box jumps, 30/24″ 10 HSPUs 100 double unders 10 HSPUs 20 box jumps, 30/24″ 20 back squats, bodyweight
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