
Today is the day we’ve been waiting for, find a 1RM squat clean. Warm-up EMOM x 6 Power Clean + Front Squat add weight as needed (start at 135/95 or about 50%) Test 1RM Squat Clean Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes 6 Hang Power Cleans (115/75) 8 Back Rack Lunges (115/75 10 Pull-ups
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Lets start out with some overhead work. Take 20 minutes to build up to a heavy set of 5 in the push press. Remember, we’re looking to establish a single set of 5 today, rest as needed. You don’t need to do 5 every time. Our met-con includes sets of 20 DB Snatches, go break these into sets of 5 going 5 right / 5 left etc. Push Press Take 18 Minutes to find a heavy 5 rep push press today 5,3,3,2,5 (suggested rep scheme) AMRAP in 10 Minutes 20 Dumbell Snatches (50/35) 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 10 Toes to Bar
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Lets have some fun with this “sandwich” style chipper today. A couple of rules to pay by today guys, take a look. *Athletes must rotate every 10/8 calories on the rower. ** For Burpees over the bar, athletes must trade off reps 1:1. Aka, switch for each rep, you do one I do one. OHS, Power Snatches and HSPU may be broken up anyway you like, so long as only one athlete works at a time. Partner Chipper For Time 25 Power Snatches (115/75) Row 40/32 Cal* 50 Overhead Squats (115/75) Row 40/32 Cal* 50 Handstand Push-ups Row 40/32 Cal* 50 Burpees over Bar** Row 40/32 Cal* 25 Power Snatches (115/75)
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During warm-up take about 7-8 minutes to build up to a single moderate pause front squat. Treat this as a primer for the thrusters and power cleans to come in the WOD. After each mini AMRAP you’ll have 3 minutes to rest and change weights. If you don’t wish to use the RX weights, that’s ok, but you’ll still need 3 increments for the workout. AMRAP in 3 minutes 30 Double Unders 12 Power Cleans (95/65) 12 Thrusters (95/65) Rest 3 minutes AMRAP in 3 minutes 30 Double Unders 9 Power cleans (115/75) 9 Thrusters (115/75) Rest 3 minutes AMRAP in 3 minutes 30 Double Unders 6 Power Cleans (135/95) 6 Thrusters (135/95)
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Lets spend some time at the start of class working on our gymnastic pulling progressions. What’s stopping you from getting a muscle up, lets work on it for at least 10 minutes today. Other movements today are basic, so we should be able to scale as needed with weight and reps. AMRAP in 20 minutes 12 Shoulder to Overhead (105/70) 8 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20) 4 Muscle Ups 20 Air Squats
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