
Today we’ll be utilizing the weight-lifting double at 80% to drive our ability in the snatch. Theoretically if you can get comfortable at 80% your 1RM will be improved, furthermore, this is a good weight to improve on the basics and get stronger at the same time. For a weight-lifting double you’ll complete the first, then reset for the second rep. These are not meant to be touch and go. The goal here is to hit perfect reps landing in the hole on each lift. Titan Phase 3 Day 4 Snatch Work (22 minutes) Snatch 5 x 2 @ 80% Snatch Pull 3 x 3 @100% For Time 40 Thrusters (45/33) 40 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 40 Back Squats (45/33) 40 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 40 Box Jump Overs (24/20) Sprint for Time (12 minute Cap)
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Long interval work today guys. At the call of 3-2-1 go, you’ll run 400M come inside and hit 10 HSPU followed by 8 burpees. Once that is done complete as many Toes to Bar as possible. How to scale Run should be 2 minutes or less HSPU should be done in no more than 2 quick sets Burpees should take about 30-40 seconds Scale appropriately Score is total T2B 4 minutes on 3 minutes off for 5 cycles AMRAP in 4 minutes Run 400 Meters in remaining time 10 Handstand Push-ups 8 Burpees ME Toes to Bar
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3 position cleans are one of the best ways to learn proper bar path. By starting from the top and working your way down (to the floor) we get to feel the bar sweep into our hip from simple starting points like the hang. As we work through our positions we see that bar path and movement pattern translate into the full clean version. In addition we land in the squat 3 times with each complex, this trains the third pull and action of actively pulling ourselves beneath the bar.   Titan Phase 3 Day 3 Clean Work (18 minutes) 3 Position (squat) Clean Above the knee + below knee + Floor 60% 65% 70% x 3 or 1 RM clean test (if missed) Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes 8 Front Squats (135/95) 6 Push Jerks 4 Bar Muscle Ups
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Start off by building up to a moderate weight 3 rep in the dead lift.  Hit something that will be heavier than your met-con weight.  For the “death by” portion, cap out at 15 minutes, but if you bail out prior to minute 8, come back in after a minute of rest, work with a coach and decide where to start over from.  For a cash out, sprint all out for a 500m row. Strength Dead lift Moderate 3 rep for the day (do not record) Conditioning Death by dead lift & Burpee – max 15 minutes Cash Out Row 500M
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For Strength each team gets one bar and one rack. Take as many attempts as needed and tally your team weight for your score. After the buy in on the assault bike, 1 athlete will go to each of the 3 stations in this workout. You may not switch until all 3 elements are complete. Once each element is completed athletes, will move in the order listed to accumulate as many total rounds as possible. One round equals – all three athletes hitting each movement. DB snatches alternate however you want as long as its 5 reps per side Strength Working in teams of 3 find a 3 rep should to overhead in exactly 12 minutes score is your team total Conditioning In teams of 3 AMRAP in 22 minutes Buy in 150/120 Assault BIke Calories switching at will 1 bike per team 10 Dumbell Snatches (50/35) 10 Toes to...
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1 40 41 42 43 44 246