
For Double unders today on every miss or break athletes switch, only one athlete works at a time. Every other movement, athlete may choose to break whenever they want but must switch athletes each time a break is taken. In addition 100Ms of running is added to a bank. For example if there are 4 breaks / switches on the back squats then 400M of running must be completed. The “running bank” must be emptied before the next movement is started. For Time Cash In 100 Double Unders * every miss or break partners must switch Then 100 Shoulder to Overhead (105/70) ** athletes must switch on each break ***add 100M to run bank 100 Back Squats(105/70) ** athletes must switch on each break ***add 100M to run bank 100 Toes Through Rings ** athletes must switch on each break ***add 100M to run bank  
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                            Each 3 minute round starts on the rower. Complete the needed distance then move to the kettlebell, and complete the swings. Once the KB swings are complete you’ll have to get through 7 burpees quick to earn som valuable rest time. Complete 6 Rounds and record your slowest In a 3 minute window Row 250M 10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 7 Burpees  
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10 Rounds for Time 7 Toes to Bar 7 Thrusters (75/55) 1 Rope Climb 100M Run
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The chief is a fun benchmark, and if you’ve never done it its also a great test of your ability to recover quickly. Make sure your push-ups are “TRUE” only parts of your body that ever touch the ground are your hands, toes and your chest. No belly reps, no thighs, no CrossFit Push-ups. Lets GOOOOOO! *coaches note-  always start each new round at the beginning of the AMRAP (power cleans). Only Full rounds count “The Chief” (5) 3 minute rounds resting 1 minute between each. AMRAP in 3 minutes 3 Power Cleans (135/95) 6 Push-ups 9 Squats
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Lets start out with some overhead work. Take 20 minutes to build up to a heavy set of 5 in the push press. Remember, we’re looking to establish a single set of 5 today, rest as needed. You don’t need to do 5 every time. Our met-con includes sets of 20 DB Snatches, go break these into sets of 5 going 5 right / 5 left etc. Strength Push Press Take 18 Minutes to find a heavy 5 rep push press today 5,3,3,2,5 (suggested rep scheme) AMRAP in 10 Minutes 20 Dumbell Snatches (50/35) 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 10 Burpees
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