
The first two movements today will be completed by both partners. Once the run is complete, they will come into the gym and complete the next 3 movements splitting the work equally, but alternating at will. Plate carry counts as 50 reps Run counts as 25 AMRAP in 25 Minutes Both Partners Overhead plate Carry (45/25)150M Both Partners Run 150M Split work equally 20 Thrusters (95/65) 30 Kettlebell Swings (70/53) 40 Partner Leg Throws  
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With a lot of dead lifting and overhead squats on our plates lately, it can be good to mix in some shoulder to overhead work too. Let’s focus today on driving under the bar in both jerks – no press outs!  Don”t worry about hitting an absolute max here, we just need to get some heavy lifts in. Take 15 minutes to find a heavy or practice Push Jerk + Split Jerk 1+1 4 Sprint Intervals Assault Bike 15/12 Cal 10 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) record your worst time
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For those who have been improving on OHS form and range of motion, take a shot at some paused reps today. Hold tight in the hole for a solid 2 count. If your still working on form work on normal reps for sets of 3 or practice drills to improve movement patterns. Strength / Skill “Overhead Squat” Pause Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3 @ 50-70% 2 second pause Group B Overhead Squat 3,3,3,3 building to a heavy triple Group C Wall Squats Barbell OHS to Box Conditioning AMRAP in 9 minutes 15 Burpees 12 Toes to Bar 100M Run
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The first part of today’s WOD is about improving your movement with two common pieces – double unders and chest to bar pull-ups. For each, choose a rep count that you can perform proficiently, meaning I’d rather you do 4 perfect kipping C2B pull-ups than 10 poor form butterfly reps. Aim to work for about 40 seconds on each so that you can transition. Our met-con is shorter since we’ll already be huffing and puffing from the EMOM. Sprint through this triplet focusing on good push-ups today! Skill EMOM x 10 A. Double Unders (40,30,20, Practice) B. Chest to Bar Pull-ups (10,5,3,practice) If you don’t have kipping pull-ups alternate between hallow arch swings and bent over barbell rows for strength. Conditioning 3 Rounds for Time 12 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) alternating L/R each rep 12 Back Rack Lunges (95/65) 24 Push-ups
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