
Take the beginning of class to dial in shoulder mobility and movement technique. Partner up and set up barbells in the rack taking a few minutes to zero in on the appropriate weight for today. Once you declare that you are starting – that is your set. You have one shot to complete up to 30 reps using any of the 3 pressing movements. Start with strict press and go until you can not complete any more reps, then without resting begin to accumulate reps using the push press, again, stopping when you can no longer push press. Your last chance to get to 30 will be using the push-jerk. Let’s see how many of us can get to 30 reps! The idea here is building capacity, don’t go for 95 pounds and only get 20 reps, be smart about the weight and make your set count. Titan Strength 30...
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Start with some accessory strength work today in an EMOM format. Choose a range for pull-ups that is appropriate for you, or go with ring rows or assisted pull-ups as a scale. The met-con is for time today and uses two different rep counts. 15-12-9 on the overhead squats (which should be a moderate weight), 21-15-9 on the heavy KB swings. After the last KB swing, sprint to a rower and finish out the WOD with a 500M Sprint! EMOM x 10 A. Strict Pull-ups (5-10) B. Back Rack Step-ups (115/75) x 10 5L/5R – base box height on height of athlete For Time 15-12-9 Overhead Squat (115/75) 21-15-9 Kettlebell Swings (70/53) Row 500M
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Light weight, running and burpees for today! Start and end with 400M runs guys, in the middle of the sandwich we’ve got some light barbell work and burpees. Let us know when you’re done by yelling TIME!   For Time Run 400M then 7 Rounds of 10 Sholder to Overhead (95/65) 10 Burpees over Bar 10 Dead lifts (same bar) Run 400M
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We’ll be working on maintaining splits today, 3 rounds of 800 and 400M runs with rest between. Run 800 (75-85% pace) Rest 1:30 Run 400 Rest 3:00 Total of 3 rounds
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Hey guys, just wanted to send out a quick update to this weekends schedule.  Hope to see you all this weekend and especially Monday at 9am for “Murph.” Friday 5/26 – No 6:30 WOD Saturday and Sunday – Normal schedule Monday 5/29 “Murph” Gym opens at 8:15, Murph announcement 9:00 Standards and Warm-up 9:15 Workout starts at 9:40 am Grilling begins at 11:00am
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