
Today’s workout starts with a 10 minute EMOM. You’ll complete 4 farmers carry (4 lengths), paired with distance rowing 250 for gents, 200 for the ladies. Rest and recoup, thenn tackle the 12 minute AMRAP,, fast and furious – all body weight moves today (and a plate) Record rounds and reps. EMOM x 10 A. Farmers Carry x 4 B. Row 250/200 M Rest / Recover AMRAP in 12 Minutes 10 Box Jumps (24/20) 8 Toes To Bar 10 Overhead Lunges (45/25) 8 Burpees
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A mix of some popular lady WOD elements and running today. Pair up with someone using the same equipment where possible, and split work however you desire with one athlete working at a time. “The Running Ladies” In Teams of 2 Run 400M 30 Clean and Jerks (135/95) Run 400M 15 Snatches (135/95) Run 400M 50 Wall Balls Run 400M 40 Handstand Push-ups cap 30 minutes
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“Murph” For time: w/ weighted vest 1 mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Squats 1 mile Run Each year for Memorial Day we host an Event at CrossFit Thermal called “Murph”.  Murph is a Hero workout, performed in the honor of Lt. Michael P Murphy, who was killed in the Kunar Province of Afghanistan in 2005.  Since we opened in 2013, we’ve hosted this workout unofficially to honor his sacrifice and the sacrifices of all service men and women killed in combat.  In addition it’s been a great event for our community bringing us all together in the spirit of Memorial Day for a great cause and a great workout.  This year, we’re getting ready early and plan to do even more for this amazing cause! The official partner of “The Murph Challenge” – “Forged” has created a website for the event and an accompanying charity.  Over the last three...
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Skill work to start the day today with Turkish Get-ups; a good test of core strength, balance and coordination. For conditioning, lets storm through 3 rounds of dumbbell and body-weight movements. Not enough volume in the met-con?  Go for RX+ and complete 4 rounds for time! Skill  Turkish Get-ups Take 15 miutes to practice using both arms 3 Rounds for Time 20 Dumbell Snatches (L/R) (50/35) 20 Pull-ups 10 Cal Row/ Bike 10 Clapping Push-ups
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For today’s strength work, we’re going for capacity! You’ll be hitting 5 sets of 10 push jerk with only :30 between sets. Use a weight that you think you can succeed with, as you will have an opportunity to add weight later in this phase. Don’t try 115/75 and only get 2 sets in. Scale smart and go for CAPACITY.  This is similar to last weeks push press work – keep that in mind. Our Met-con is a variation of “Grace” using a heavier weight and requiring that you squat each rep. (no jerks) Stay consistent and keep moving, landing in a good position on each clean will make a huge difference. “Titan Day 6” Push Jerk Madness 5 x 10 (115/75) For Time 30 Squat Cleans (185/125)
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