Today you will do the metcon FIRST, then the strength portion SECOND. We are going to spend 8 minutes doing the AMRAP, then immediately pair/triple up and take 15 minutes to find a 1RM front squat. If there are large classes, coaches may run slightly over that time at their discretion. For the metcon, do...Read More
For this team workout, you’ll do the runs together, but you will split up the work anyhow with one person working at a time. The work does not have to be equal; play to each other’s strengths. For burpees over bar to count, both feet must leave at the same time and land at the...Read More
Two years ago, on October 19, 2013 Josh Everett, TrainHeroic, and the more than 350 boxes in the CrossFit community rallied together in spectacular fashion to support the Autism community in a worldwide workout event called Lift Up Luke. This “competition for a cause” specifically sought to support early diagnosis and treatment of Autism, raise...Read More
I remember when I first met Frank and Danielle, it was April of 2014 I think, and I had been emailing back and forth with Frank for a bit. The two of them came in on a Saturday for an intro session, and it was just the 3 of us in the gym that morning....Read More
Take 20 minutes to find a new 1RM snatch. This may be a power or a full snatch, but it must be in one continuous motion from the ground. (Coach’s discretion when it comes to pressing out or riding down) For the conditioning segment, deload the bar to 70% of your new 1RM. You’ll have...Read More
Today is the classic benchmark chipper, Filthy Fifty. Brand new members may want to scale to 35’s – don’t underestimate this workout! Time cap will be 40 minutes. Recommended setup is to have stations where a bunch of KB’s are available in the same area, same for barbells for push presses, etc. as you don’t...Read More
Why You Should Never Miss a Benchmark Reschedule your conference calls; move your hair cut appointment, DVR your favorite show, whatever it takes, its “Benchmark” day at CrossFit. We train day in and day out, we strive to improve ourselves a fraction of a percentage each day, and once in while we are faced...Read More
30 clean and jerks for time – sounds simple right? Well, it is, but simple doesn’t always mean easy. This is a workout that defines “intensity” for CrossFit. You should work as hard and as fast as you can possibly go. It might only take a few minutes (sub 10 minutes is ideal), but you’ll...Read More
Two of the best movements you could do for overall health, wellness, and longevity are back squats and sprints. Today we’re finding at least 3 heavy sets of 5 back squats (record your highest) and then doing a burpee/sprint metcon. Depending on class sizes, there will be 3-5 people running at a time in relay...Read More
Kick off Meeting Tuesday 9/22 6:30Pm in the main gym – Please be there for challenge details and a brief nutrition talk. You’ve been coming to Thermal every day and putting in work. You’ve been dialing in your lifts and hitting PRs. You’ve crushed met-cons, improved your scales and changed your physique. We’re proud of the...Read More