Warm up for full (squat) snatches and use the same weight for all sets of the alternating EMOM. Only go down in weight if your form suffers. Conditioning is 3 sets of 500m row – these should be all-out efforts/sprints. Record your fastest for the MetCon score and note your and slowest time in comments....Read More
The deadlift weight should be manageable to easily string 6 to start the workout. Scale chest-to-bar pull-ups as needed, kipping or banded pull-ups are fine for those who have been progressing. If you are newer, stick with strict banded or ring rows. For the KB step-ups, you may hold the KB anyway you wish, but...Read More
Strength is a 5 rep shoulder press – be sure to lock out your knees so there is no chance of a push press! Then, you will do 3 sets of unbroken clean and jerks. You may rest as needed between sets, but keep it to about 2 or 3 minutes for time management. These...Read More
For strength, do 3 sets of 5 at the same weight. The weight should be fairly heavy to where you need a few minutes rest between sets. The metcon is an AMRAP, but it will test double under proficiency and lungs. If you get through the 200 double unders and 50 burpees, go back to...Read More
Today’s metcon is a simple, ideally fast triplet – take the overhead squats from the ground (you may squat snatch if you’d like). Time domain should be between 7-11 minutes. Can anyone go sub 7?? For the cash out, do 3 sets of max toes to bar, resting as needed between sets. This will be...Read More
This is a team workout with 3 or 4 people. You will use two bars (exactly) to each find a max ground to overhead. Most of you will do clean and jerks for this, but it is your choice. (snatches and thrusters are other common options; squat or power variations are all allowed) Both bars...Read More
A classic benchmark, Cindy is a great test of body-weight strength and metabolic conditioning. Scales for pull-ups may include using bands or doing ring rows, or you might want to do a harder pull-up progression and do rounds of 3/6/9 or 4/8/12. The idea of these progressions is to keep you moving as much as...Read More
For strength, the snatch will start on the ground and you’ll receive it in a full squat and stand up. Then you’ll do 2 additional overhead squats. If you are newer to CrossFit or this lift, you may power snatch it and ride it down into your first OHS. The metcon should be treated as...Read More
For today’s WOD, the deadlift weight should be heavy, but not to the point of a rounded backs. For weighted pull-ups, put your foot through a kettlebell and grab a bar just in your reach (put a KB on a box to start if you need to). Scale this as needed with lighter KBs, or...Read More
Take about 20-25 minutes to establish a max front squat – this should be a true max for the day, so failing at some point is expected. This will be taken out of the rack. The AMRAP is a test of gymnastics and jump rope skill – with the exception of brand new people, you...Read More