Break up into teams of 3 or 4 people. Using two barbells at most, find the max weight each of you can overhead squat twice. Since you’re taking it from the ground, you may either do power snatch + two OHS’s, or snatch + 1 OHS. Alternatively you may choose to clean and jerk the bar to your back rack position, then overhead squat from there. Then, you will do a 10 minute AMRAP of box jumps and wall balls, but only one person works at a time. Go in order and stay in that order for the duration of the AMRAP. Teams may theoretically use only 1 box and 1 wallball, unless teammates are using different heights and weights. Score the 2RM OHS and AMRAP separately. In teams of 3 or 4: 15 minutes to establish 2RM OHS (from ground) then AMRAP in 12 minutes: 5 box jumps,...
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