
Just a couple quick thoughts as we head into the next to last week of Oak Strength training.  Stick with it guys, I know 5 weeks is a long time to focus on just a couple movements for strength, but as a gym, we are getting much stronger.  This week I want you to think about what you’re doing on intensity day (Day 3).  At this stage of the program you likely won’t PR, both lifts this week and next week.  The idea here is to make your best lift on week 5 day 3, which if you’re on the program exactly, would be next Thursday.  Since it is unlikely to PR your 5 rep two weeks in a row (especially weeks 4 and 5), I want some of you to “save it” for week 5.  Weight-lifters and Power-lifters call this “peaking”. I’m going to use Jesse as an example,...
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Take the first 15-20 minutes to find a 1RM bench press – make sure to keep those shoulders tight and leverage yourself against the ground using your feet. For the metcon, this should be a moderately heavy weight – lunges shouldn’t be too easy. Scale muscle-ups to 2x pull-ups or ring rows and 2x dips. Strength Bench Press 1RM Conditioning For Time 18 front rack lunges, 135/95# 9 muscle-ups 12 front rack lunges, 135/95# 6 muscle-ups 6 front rack lunges, 135/95# 3 muscle-ups
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Break up into teams of 3 or 4 people. Using two barbells at most, find the max weight each of you can overhead squat twice. Since you’re taking it from the ground, you may either do power snatch + two OHS’s, or  snatch + 1 OHS.  Alternatively you may choose to clean and jerk the bar to your back rack position, then overhead squat from there.   Then, you will do a 10 minute AMRAP of box jumps and wall balls, but only one person works at a time. Go in order and stay in that order for the duration of the AMRAP. Teams may theoretically use only 1 box and 1 wallball, unless teammates are using different heights and weights. Score the 2RM OHS and AMRAP separately. In teams of 3 or 4: 15 minutes to establish 2RM OHS (from ground) then AMRAP in 12 minutes: 5 box jumps,...
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Becca started CF four and a half years ago when a friend from work asked if she would be interested in doing something crazy. After five rounds of P90X, two rounds of Insanity and afternoon runs around the neighborhood, she needed a change of pace so the answer was a resounding “yes!”. And she hasn’t looked back since. Becca has Crossfitted through two pregnancies and two post-pregnancy “your body is not what it used to be” phases. After her first pregnancy, she participated in Coach Plentus’ BarBelles strength training group for ladies and proceeded to hit PRs that she originally broke while pregnant. Pregnancy PRs are common but post-pregnancy PRs are a thing to brag about. She just recently hit her BarBelles 205# deadlift PR again after two years of work. After her second pregnancy, Becca needed something new to work on so she focused on push-ups and pull-ups. She...
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For Conditioning today, you’ll complete a 200m sprint row, then immediately perform max effort thrusters. For the thrusters your set will be over whenever you need to put the bar down or whenever you stop moving. Only brief pauses in the front rack will be permitted. For any athlete taking more than :60 for the 200M row, complete 10 burpees before the end of class. Thruster weight should be heavier than what you might use for Fran, something that is light-moderate and would allow reps in the range of 8-15 for most. Strength Oak Strong Conditioning 3 intervals of 200M Row ME Thrusters (115/75)
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