During the first segment of class, take about 10 minutes to hit some heavy weight in the thruster. For today’s workout we’ll be hitting one of our new “House Metcons”. Scaling the thruster weight is critical to this workout. It can not be stressed enough that the thruster weight needs to be HEAVY. Going unbroken should not be physically possible unless you are RX’ing. This means that if a woman scales to 75 and goes unbroken, the weight was significantly too light. Better to have gone with 85# and did two quick sets of 4 reps. This workout is an all out sprint and should leave you devastated (in a fun healthy way of course). All classes will use counters for the workout. Take 10 minutes to find a moderate 2 rep Thruster “Hungarters Challenge” For Time 8-6-4-2 Thrusters (135/95) lateral burpees over bar Time cap 5 minutes
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