
Each week we test our engines in a long workout, for today, lets through some skills in there and see where we are. Scale Double unders to a number that can be done in about a minute. Chest to bar pull-ups or pull-up progressions can be used in place of Bar muscle ups. Front squats will be coming from the ground today, clean your first rep! AMRAP in 22 minutes 40 Double Unders 5 Bar Muscle Ups 200 M Run 10 Front Squats (135/95)
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New rep scheme today for dead lift work.  Treat this as a super set moving from the dead lifts right into the Russian kettlebell swings.  Stay tight and return the tenth rep to the ground, and use a KB weight that is heavy but manageable for you over all three sets.  Percentages are high today, big jump from last week.  If needed, reduce loading by 5-10% based on ability Dead lift + Russian Kettlebell Swings 1 x 10 @ 65 % + 10 KB Swings (heavy) 1 x 10 @ 70% + 10 KB swings (heavy) 1 x 10 @ 75% + 10 KB Swings (heavy) Conditioning “Death by Snatch / Burpee” 115/75 On the first minute 1 power snatch + 1 burpee, on the second minute 2+2, third minute 3+3 etc etc…once you miss record the highest minute (as rounds) that you completed.  Take a minute off if needed...
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No need to worry about scoring today guys, lets work engine , grip strength and a high skill movement, the muscle up. For the muscle ups, consider where you are in your progression, if you don’t have them,what are you missing. Work on anything from strength (ring pull-ups and rows) to transitions, Jumping MU. For the Farmers Carry, use two plates and choose your own weight. Try to go the length of the gym x4 without putting the plates down. EMOM x 30 A. Assault Bike Cal 10/8 B. Muscle Ups (1-5) or progressions C. Pinch Grip Farmers Carry x 4 (athletes choice)
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Lets hit some heavy weight with a partner today guys. It should be fun to see what we can do with this clean work. Once that’s done we’ve got a partner WOD similar to DT but again with a cardio addition. In Teams of 2 working with one bar Warm-up then take exactly 15 minutes to find your heaviest hang power clean 10 Rounds for Time – You go I go format 10 Hang Power Cleans (115/75) 10 Dead lifts (same bar) 10 Burpees over the bar Sprint 50M
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Friday Chipper today guys, lets get a long sustained effort while moving quickly between moves. Choose a load that allows for unbroken reps on the barbell pieces. You’ll be alternating Right / Left for every rep on the lunges and the DB snatches. Add one second to your time for every rep you leave on the table at the 30 minute cap. 7 rounds for time 12 Front Rack Lunges (95/65) 12 Shoulder to overhead (95/65) 8 Toes to Bar 8 Push-ups 6 DB Snatches (50/35) (3L/3R) 6 Sit-ups Time Cap 30 minutes
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