
Today marks the eight week of training for “Titan”, we’ll be building up to 95% of your original 1RM, then attempting that weight at 1+. Try to beat your effort from 4/24. Our conditioning piece today is an 8 minute sprint, scale c2b pull-ups if needed, and go for quick sets on the power cleans. Titan Strength Week 8 Front Squat 5 @ 55% 5 @ 65% 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% 1 + @ 95% beat 4/24 AMRAP in 8 minutes 5 Power Cleans (135/95) 7 Chest to bar Pull-ups 20 Air Squats
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Take a few minutes to set up scaling and practice hand stand push-ups. The front rack holds will be set up on racks try to maintain a tight core and solid rack position for the full :30. EMOM by 24 Minutes A. HSPU (5-10 reps) B. Bike Calories (10/8) C. 15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) D. :30 Front Rack Hold (275/195)
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Though not originally a CrossFit workout, this workout was supposedly used by the stuntmen training for the film “300,” the workout has been adopted by CrossFit boxes around the globe. “300” For Time 25 Pull-Ups 50 Deadlifts (135/95 lbs) 50 Push-Ups 50 Box Jumps (24/20 in) 50 Floor Wipers 50 Clean-and-Press 35/50 Dumbbell or KB 25 Pull-Ups
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More volume than yesterday’s WOD guys, lets storm through 6 rounds for time. Scale double unders to a manageable number less than :90 per set. Toes to bar can be scaled to attempts or v-ups today. Round out the day with quick push-ups tabata workout. Throwback pic…. 6 Rounds for Time (cap 30 min) 35 Double unders 10 Toes to Bar 15 Wall Balls (20/14) 1 Rope Climb 15′ Cash Out Tabata Push-ups
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Revisiting our push-jerk capacity work from last month. Aim to improve on what you did last time by adding weight (5-10#) or by completing the prescribed rep count. Pre-requisite for adding weight is completion of 5×10 @ the original load of 115/75. For conditioning today, let’s hit some fast intervals! Write down your times on the whiteboard then record your worst result in WODIFY. Dead lift sets must be unbroken… Push Jerk Madness 5 x 10 w :30 rest (125/85) use 125/85 as “rx” but aim to improve on results from 4/20 3 Intervals each for time 15/12 Cal Row 10 Dead lifts (185/125) 6 Burpees over Bar Record your worst time recover between rounds
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