
Congrats to all the runners who completed the Broad St Run this weekend!  Let’s get back to work in the gym with some heavy squats today.  This is the 5th week of Titan and we should start seeing some strength gains.  We’ll be hitting 5+ at 85% again just like in week one, lets aim to complete more reps than we did on April 10th. Strength Front Squat 5 x 45% 1RM 5 x 55% 5 x 65% 5 x 75% 5 + x 85% Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes 5 Burpee Pull-ups 10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 15 Air Squats
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For strength today, we’ll be hitting 3 heavy sets of bench press leading into 3 heavy singles.  If you’re feeling it, test out that 1RM. Strength Bench Press 3,3,3,1,1,1 Conditioning For Time 5 Rounds of 200M Run 15 Push-ups 15 Overhead plate lunges (45/25)      
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Start with 5 burpees and continue (for the rest of the minute) with maximum reps of thrusters. On the next minute start over again with five burpees and keep the following “on the minute” pace until you complete 100 thrusters. For this partner variation you will one bar per team, and you must complete the burpees together. (5 each)  The partner who finishes the burpees first may start thrusters while waiting for partner 2. Partner “Kalsu” For Time 100 Thrusters (135/95) w/EMOM 5 burpees OTM  
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Long burner today guys. Scale HSPU by volume or with progressions or wall walks x 3. DUB snatches are alternating R/L each set, please don’t bail em. Scale rope climbs to half climbs / Rope pulls 3:1 or strict pull-ups. 6 rounds for Time 10 Handstand Push-ups 10 Dumbell Snatches (50/35) 20 Air Squats 20 Sit-ups 1 Rope Climb
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For pressing strength today, we’ll be focusing on some stability work. This will be a new movement for most of you, so experiment and go LIGHT. Actually using lighter KBs can provide more instability as they will bounce around more. The idea is that as you’re pressing the barbell out you’ll have to deal with the bobbing and unpredictable bouncing of the hanging KBs. Let’s tackle it for 5 sets of 5, almost no one should need more than 35# KBs. Our met-con is a fun interval style jawn!! Sprint it out on either the bike or rower, then hit a quick set of 10 buprees to plate (this will standardize ROM). Once that is done head right to the heavy KB for a set of 10. Record your best and worst times today! Strength Stability Press Work 5×5 KBs banded to bar Go By feel for weight Conditioning 4...
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