
Take a few minutes to hit some heavy work in the dead lift – don’t go for a new record here, just need to feel some heavy weight. Met-con weight should be lighter than what you hit in the opening portion by quite a bit. Use a moderate weight that you can aim to go unbroken on. It’s more important to go unbroken than it is use (225/155) those are just weights that no one should need to use more than. Scale HSPU to stink bugs or regular push-ups, no elaborate scales here – need these sprints to be fast. Strength (pre wod) Take 10 minutes to build up to a moderate dead lift triple – do not record Conditioning (record slowest) 5 intervals of 10 Cal Row / 8 cal Bike 10 unbroken dead lifts (225/155) 5 Handstand Push-ups
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Classic bench mark today – Lets tackle Cindy, find a good pace and keep moving. Stay away from banded pull-ups today in order to persevere the stimulus. Go with ring rows, jumping or barbell pull-ups. Or if you have some RX pull-ups simply scale the rep count. Skill Take 15 minutes to work on muscle up progressions and skills.  “Cindy” AMRAP in 20 Minutes 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats
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Start out with some solid strength work today. Build up to a heavy single in the front squat, then back it off for some pause sets as 80%. Use a 3 second pause in the bottom today, but make sure to stay active throughout the hold. Our met-con is an all out sprint, this should be very short – like “Fran”. In order to “get” the stimulus you absolutely must go heavy on the thrusters. Ideally its for unbroken reps, but to the point where in each set you couldn’t do one more rep. Your legs should be screaming before your lungs do. Have fun – I tested this on Saturday with Colin, definitely a good test. Strength Take 10 Minutes to build to a heavy single front squat for the day Take 10 minutes to complete 3×3 pause front squats at 80% of today’s single. Conditioning (For Pain and...
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We’re starting off today with somewhat of a prescribed warm-up, the EMOM is just to get you moving and won’t be measured in any way.  We want get your heart rate up as well as prep our shoulders for over head stability in the snatch.  Once the main AMRAP is over, rest a few minutes then finish out today with some core stability work. Alternating EMOM x 8 (no measure) Even: Row / Bike (:30) Odd: Hand stand hold (:30) AMRAP in 10 minutes 4 Power Snatch (135/95) 6 Toes to Bar 8 Box Jumps (24/20) Cash Out 4 x 1:00 plank holds (rest 1:1)  
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Each segment of the workout starts with 50 double unders, after that is complete you have ring dips, burpees over the bar and front squats to tackle.  Each portion of the workout has a decreasing number of rounds to be done after the double unders – 3 rounds then 2 and 1 respectively.  Use time before class to practice kipping your dips or set up the ideal scale for yourself. Pre Work On your own, build up and hit a moderate front squat from the rack as well as dial in ring dip progressions. For Time 50 Double Unders 3 Rounds  5 Ring Dips 7 Burpees over bar (lateral) 5 Front Squats (115/75) 50 Double Unders 2 Rounds 5 Ring Dips 7 Burpees over bar (lateral) 5 Front Squats (115/75) 50 Double Unders 5 Ring Dips 7 Burpees over bar (lateral) 5 Front Squats (115/75)
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