
Strength Take 20 Minutes to establish a 5RM Bench Press Conditioning  3 Rounds with full recovery between each 500M Row 15 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)
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For strength, find the heaviest weight you can do for the complex. Focus on form and getting in the right positions before each movement. The jerk may be a push jerk or split jerk, your preference. The metcon is a straight-forward couplet of hang power cleans and handstand push-ups. HSPUs may be strict or kipping....
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For strength, alternate between back squats and toes-to-bar. Find a heavy weight that you can do for two reps on the squats and stay around that weight. Setup for the metcon at one end of the gym. Get into groups of about 3 people where you will all use the same weight. (Although this isn’t...
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This workout begins with the Athlete holding their jump rope with the barbell loaded to the appropriate weight. After 30 double-unders are completed the athlete will move to the barbell to perform power snatches. For the power snatch to count, the barbell will move from the ground (or below the knee if the barbell is...
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We all know that the CrossFit Open is coming and its going to be a great event and community experience for us here at Thermal.  We also like to make an event out of the WOD announcement every Thursday night during the Open.  CrossFit HQ, goes to a different city and a different box each...
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Strength today is a 5 rep max thruster – you’ll need to clean it from the ground – if you squat clean, then that may count as your first thruster as long as you get below parallel. If not, you may also power clean and then start your 5 thrusters. The metcon is an ascending...
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Friday was a workout with a lot of rounds, but only 1-3 reps for each movement. Today is the complete opposite of that: a chipper with one “round” but many reps for each movement. You must complete each movement before going on to the next one. Once you’re done with double unders, call “TIME!” For...
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This is a team workout consisting of clean and jerks and rowing. The workout will be 30 minutes in length: the first 15 minutes will be for clean and jerks and the second 15 minutes will be for rowing (no rest between portions). With one bar, take turns finding a 1RM clean and jerk. You...
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You read that right: 50 rounds. This workout will hopefully allow you to work on some volume without going to failure as much as usual, especially with movements like push-ups. If push-ups come easy to you, try ring dips. You’re going to need a counting system for this one! 50 rounds for time: 1 knee-to-elbow...
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Find your 1RM overhead squat – get someone to watch your depth to make sure it’s legit. Remember, this is a 1RM overhead squat where you reach parallel or lower – meaning if you do a heavier weight but don’t reach depth, it doesn’t count (unless you physically cannot reach depth with PVC pipe) After...
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