
Here at CrossFit Thermal, we’ve been training all year for a chance to see what we are really made of.  No, I’m not talking about the CrossFit Open.   I’m talking about what happens after the Open ends.  You are beat up from weeks of giving your all (genetically).  You are proud of yourself for getting through...
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EMOMs are great to work on skills so today we’re going to focus on HSPUs, knees-to-elbows, and double unders. If the rep scheme doesn’t work for you, then pick something reasonable and where you will have some rest each minute. Towards the end, this rest might decrease which is fine. Immediately after the EMOM is...
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If you want to be strong, you need to squat. Today we’re going for sets of 3. Stay under control and explode up out of the bottom. You may not go fast, but you have to think it.   Back Squat 3,3,3 Conditioning 4 rounds for time: 10 Pull-ups 20 wall balls, 20/14# 25 KB...
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With 2016 in full swing, we want to continue making mobility and active stretching a priority at Thermal.  Everyone knows that being mobile is one of the keys to success in CrossFit.  CrossFit Thermal is happy to announce a partnership with “Our Yoga Home” of Conshohocken. We’re proud to be bringing Yoga into the box...
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Every year (so far), there has been a repeat workout in the Open. While we never know what could happen, this is Coach P’s guess: a repeat of 13.1. Burpees must be to a target 6 inches from standing reach and snatches may be any way – power, squat, split, etc. We will warm up...
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Today’s workout is a barbell complex sandwiched between double unders and rowing. Keep in mind that you’ll want to go directly from your 12th deadlift into your 1st hang power clean and also your 9th hang power clean into your 1st jerk. Otherwise you’ll need to do extra reps just to pick up the bar....
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Find your max power snatch – pulling from the ground and landing in a quarter squat above parallel. Focus on bringing the bar into your hips instead of just ripping it straight off the ground. The metcon is a 10->1 triplet of box jumps, toes-to-bar, and push-ups for time. For TTB and/or push-ups, you might...
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Find a 2 rep max front squat – focus on keeping those elbows up and keeping them from dropping at the bottom of your squat. “Kalsu” is a named after Lt. Robert Kalsu – the only American professional football player killed in the Vietnam War. Normally the total number of thrusters is 100, but you’ll...
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Warm up your deadlift to the heaviest weight you’ll use in round 3. Then deload to a light weight for round 1. Space your increments out so the jump between round 1 and 2 is bigger than 2 and 3. For the pull-up portion, figure out 3 different ways to do muscle-ups/pull-ups and do them...
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Prove to yourself that you have improved yourself. Sitting down to write this, I literally don’t know where to start.  Seriously, this is the fourth opening sentence I’ve tried, and this time I’m just going to leave it and speak from the heart.  I don’t care if it comes out sappy or not, I just...
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