Hey guys head over to our online store and purchase some great Thermal gear from East Bay and Nike. The store will be available from now through 12-21.Read More
Today’s workout is a triplet with an added rope climb between sets. So you’ll do 15 OHS, 15 HSPU, 15 wall balls, and then 1 rope climb. Then 12’s and a rope climb, etc. down to 3’s and a rope climb. Skill Static handstands and handstand walk (not hspu’s) For time: 15-12-9-6-3 OHS, 95/65# HSPUs...Read More
Spend 15-20 minutes and work through two working sets of 5 shoulder press and three working sets of 3 shoulder presses. These do not need to be maxes unless you’re feeling it. The metcon is a throwback to the CrossFit Open – 15.1. For those that did this workout back in the spring, you can...Read More
On the heals of the Girls On Girls WOD 2 announcement, there has been a lot of chatter about the weights being heavier that expected. In some cases the weights might mean that our women need to hit some PRs, and fast. What can we do about it? With less than 6 weeks, its tough...Read More
Jesse’s journey to Crossfit Thermal is pretty unique…He was raised in Hawaii until the age of seven, when his parents separated. He then moved back east to Delaware with his mom and ultimately spent the school years on the east coast in various states and his summers in Hawaii with his father. While in Hawaii...Read More
For strength, work up to a heavy set of 5 – this might be a max or just relatively heavy depending on how you’re feeling. The metcon is an alternating tabata – Round 1 is pull-ups, round 2 is wall balls, round 3 is pull-ups, etc. for 16 rounds. Your score is total reps across...Read More
Get into groups of 3 – each of you will start at a different station and try to accumulate as many reps as possible. Clean and jerks are “Grace” style – power cleans and push presses or push jerks. KB step ups are holding a kettlebell anyhow and stepping up on a box. After 60...Read More
For strength, take 15-20 minutes working on the snatch complex. Both parts start in the hang and land either in the power position (above parallel) or squat position (below parallel). Hold onto the bar between each part (no dropping between the hang power and hang snatch) The metcon is a sandwich: start and end with...Read More
This is a workout from the upcoming Girls on Girls competition that some of our members are doing. You’ll pair up and come up with a strategy for this 10 minute AMRAP. The work can be split up any way you see fit – if one of you is a rowing machine and the other...Read More
Drew hit me up about coming up with a strategy for WOD one of the Festivus comp that a bunch of our men are doing on 12/12. Since I love talking about this stuff, here goes. For purposes of this post I’m thinking about Drew’s numbers, so keep that in mind and extrapolate for yourself....Read More