
Time for a chipper. Run through this in order, completing each task before starting the next. Scale bar muscle ups to 10 pull-ups and 10 box or parallette dips (not rings). To scale push-ups, use a band “backpack” or elevate yourself on a box or bench. For time: 800m run 10 bar muscle ups 20...
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Strength is 1 hang snatch + 2 OHS. Start from the hang position (between hips and knees) and pull under into a squat snatch. Stand up and then complete two more overhead squats. If you’re struggling to land in the bottom of a squat, do a hang power snatch and do 3 OHS. For conditioning,...
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For strength, do two full cleans (squat) first, then a jerk. Find the heaviest weight you can do for that complex. Then for the metcon, load the bar with 70% of the weight from strength. You’ll do an ascending ladder AMRAP of clean and jerks and double unders. The clean and jerks for this part...
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Use the beginning of class to work on your gymnastics – challenge yourself to do harder progressions than you would in a workout. If you’ve never been upside down on a wall, try to kick up! And don’t forget, today is the Paleo Potluck at Coach Kate’s place. See you there! Alternating EMOM for 12...
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Today you’ll work in teams of 4 (or 3 if odd numbers). Working with two bars at most, take exactly 15 minutes to find a 1RM snatch for the day. This may be power or squat. Your score is the TOTAL pounds snatched as a team. Take a few minutes to get your running shoes...
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Go for a heavy single or a new 1RM deadlift depending on how you’re feeling. Take your time warming up at light sets of 5 and work your way through sets of 3, 2, and singles. Since we’ll want a good amount of time to deadlift, the metcon is easy to setup and efficient –...
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Hey guys, if you need the info for barbells for boobs, check it out here We’re getting tee shirts to commemorate the event, and the tee shirts will be available via pre-order only. 4 Ways to be involved for the fundraising event and WOD WOD Only – no cost, just come in and be part...
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Today is a hero workout: “Hammer” It consists of 5 rounds with rest between each. To scale, you may do 3 or 4 rounds total, or cut the number of pull-ups. Keep the barbell reps the same, but scale the weight if needed. U.S. Army First Sergeant Michael “Hammer” Bordelon, 37, of Morgan City, LA,...
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First is 3 sets of 5 heavy back squats (go up in weight each time). Then a metcon of handstand push-ups, KB snatches, and toes to bar, use V-ups to scale for T2B. For the KB snatches, start with the KB about knee height, snap it up with your hip and pull your elbow high...
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For strength, take the bar out of the rack in a back-rack and do 5 behind-the-neck push presses in a wide (snatch) grip. On the fifth one, keep the bar up and do 1 overhead squat. Find the heaviest weight you can do for this complex. For conditioning we’ll be doing interval sprints of rowing...
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