
For this team workout, pair up and complete the work as written. The runs should be completed together and you must carry 1 medicine ball. You may switch off at any point. When you come in, complete the movements and reps as written. Once you complete a movement, move to the next. You may split...
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For strength, do three heavy sets of 3 shoulder presses, increasing the weight across sets. Warm-up sets are assumed. For the metcon, don’t be fooled by the 21, 15, 9 rep scheme – this is an AMRAP. If you cannot do clapping push-ups, try pushing yourself off the ground even an inch. If you are...
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This AMRAP starts each round with a complex – do 5 deadlifts into 3 hang power cleans into 1 jerk. You may drop the bar at any point, but it would be wise to not drop on the 5th deadlift or the 3rd hang power clean. Scale rope climbs to rope pulls and if the...
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Take 20 minutes in the beginning of class to establish a 1RM overhead squat. Check out the second event from the 2014 CF Games to see some amazing OHS numbers. The metcon consists of intervals – go all out on the row and air squats and record your fastest time and note your slowest time...
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Front squats will be taken from the ground today, you may clean your first rep, but make sure you hit below parallel for it to count. Due to the amount of pull-ups, scale appropriately using bands or rings. 4 rounds for time: 800m run 25 pull-ups 5 front squats, 165/110#
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Hey guys, this coming Monday, Labor Day, we’ll have a 10am class, then a special event starting immediately after.  See below for details.
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For bench press today, work in pairs or triplets and use the same weight across all 3 sets. Make sure grip is such that at the bottom of the lift, your forearms are perpendicular to the ground. For the metcon, scale HSPUs to wall walks (half reps) or use a box to support your feet...
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Cindy was never into sports growing up,she always had her nose stuck in a book plus the 1970s did not provide a lot of options for girls. Tennis, softball, track and soccer were all the sports available to girls at the time and none of them really appealed, although she did try a couple. None...
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Once in a while we really have to push the limits of our skills. Today is a good day for that. Don’t be intimated, just look at one movement at a time and work with the coach to figure out the best way to scale for your ability. Wall walks and hand stand push-ups are...
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Hannah is ROGUE!!!!! For the complex today, some of you will work from the rack while some will work from the ground. Work with a coach to determine what is best for you. During warm-up, build up to the appropriate weight for you and keep the weight the same across all sets. Conditioning is a...
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