For strength today, choose a moderate weight so you can be fast on the ascent. Suggested weights are around 50-60% of your 1RM. Remember, the goal is not the weight you use, it’s the speed on the ascent (not necessarily descent). On the alternating minutes, you’ll practice your push ups, aiming for perfection, not reps....Read More
Since Coach Kate’s birthday was yesterday and Sam B’s birthday is today, let’s do a mash up of their favorite movements: “Grace” and muscle ups. You may do the work in any order you wish and you may go back and forth between CJ’s and muscle ups. However, if you are scaling muscle ups to...Read More
This coming Sunday, June 14th will be the first CrossFit Thermal “Kids Day”. Day in and day out at Thermal, its usually the adults having all the fun. But the more our community has grown, the more we’ve realized that there are usually a bunch of kids hanging around the box too. We’re happy to...Read More
This a team workout where one partner works at a time. You may start at any station, but then you should rotate in the order as written. Spend three minutes accumulating as many reps as possible at that movement, then switch to the next movement for 4 minutes, etc. Your score is the total amount...Read More
A 1 1/4 front squat is taken out of the rack, go down to the bottom of your front squat (ass to grass), then up a quarter of the way, drop back down to the bottom and explode up to a standing position. That’s just one rep! You’ll be doing sets of 5. The 1...Read More
check out Nate’s write up on his first time completing “Murph” 4 THINGS I LEARNED FROM MURPH This past Memorial Day, I participated on what may have been the hardest, and most challenging workout of my life, “Murph”. Named after Lt. Michael Murphy of the Navy SEALs who was killed while in Afghanistan in 2005,...Read More
For strength, either choose a weight to do across all 9 sets or increase the weight each time. Use this time to work on technique rather than going for “the heaviest weight possible.” For the Tabata metcon, do a full cycle of Tabata for push ups, then sit ups, then power snatches. Count your total...Read More
Rope climbs! A combination of strength, skill, and getting over fear of heights! Let’s think about rope pulls like pull-ups – beginners should feel the full range of motion by doing rope pulls, but also by jumping up on the rope and holding themselves there. Then lower yourself slowly to work that negative (eccentric) motion....Read More
Today is the classic chipper, Filthy Fifty. Brand new members may want to scale to 35’s – don’t underestimate this workout! Time cap will be 40 minutes. “Filthy Fifty” For time: 50 Box jumps, 24/20″ 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 53/35# 50 Walking lunges 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push presses, 45# 50 Supermans...Read More