
Take 20-25 minutes to establish a new 1RM front squat. Get aggressive out of the rack and tighten up those bellies! Keep elbows high and drive up out of the bottom fast. For conditioning, you have 10 minutes total to do a 500m row, then in the remaining time, as many rounds of double unders,...
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For strength, work to a heavy 5 rep deadlift, but use a clean grip (hook grip too!) This will help train the 1st pull off the ground for the clean. Setup as if you were about to clean as well. (shoelaces under bar, not shin against bar) The metcon should be heavy – start with...
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For Bench press today we are looking to work on upper body strength and muscular endurance. With a rep scheme of 10 and only 3 sets be sure to take ample rest between sets and use spotters. There are two pieces for conditioning today, each to be scored seperately. Push-presses should be moderate in weight,...
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Add 5-10 lbs to your 3×5 back squat from the last time you did back squat. If you didn’t do it for the past 2 weeks, do 3 sets of 5 heavy (by feel) back squats. Conditioning consists of 2 full Tabatas (KB swings and wall balls) but you’ll alternate movements. In other words, the...
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Maybe the end of the 2015 CrossFit Open season sparked some new enthusiasm around the gym.  Maybe the hint of Spring gave our athletes some extra umph?  Whatever the case, Fitness has definitely been on fire around Thermal the past two weeks.  I wanted to do a quick write-up showcasing some of what we’ve been...
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In the beginning of class, warm up your clean and front squat since FS’s will be taken from the ground. These should be heavy, but you should try to get all 5 reps without dropping. A full clean is permissible for the first rep. Burpee box jumps need to establish control on the box, you...
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Today’s alternating EMOM allows you to choose a proper weight for the power snatches – these should be heavy but doable for 3 reps. These should be heavy enough that you drop each one from the top instead of stringing them. Weights will range from 75-85%. Box jump heights should be similar – high enough...
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A year ago, I did my first workout at CrossFit Thermal.  The first thing I noticed (beyond how nervous I was to be in a new gym) was the jumble of numbers and terms on the board reading things like Open 14.5, 21, 18…, thruster, and burpee over bar.  I didn’t understand the lingo so...
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A good pistol progression is to get a box where you can lower yourself down to it and pop up using one leg. Lower the height of the box as you get more comfortable with this movement. Our conditioning is a famous benchmark called “Angie.” Each movement must be completed before moving onto the next....
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Take the bar out of the rack or off the blocks for the jerk. Do whatever you would normally do for a max clean and jerk; most of you will do split jerk. Conditioning is for total reps across all movements. There is no rest in between stations, except after the lunges. E.g. you’ll go...
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