
Hey Guys, it’s Sarah!  It’s Vin’s birthday (depends on when you read this – his bday is 3/4) & I wanted to take a minute and say “Happy Birthday!”  Vin has been working tirelessly for the past year to make Thermal what it is today and I just wanted to let him know how impressed I...
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Snatches were light to moderate in 15.1, so there may be a heavy overhead squat component later in the Open (probably not 15.2). The format may be an ascending ladder, so that’s what we will practice today. Strength is working on the full snatch and then the metcon is a couplet of overhead squats and...
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The metcon starts with the row and ends with the cleans. You will row 500m as fast as possible, then rest exactly 2 minutes. After those two minutes are up, you’ll do 30 burpees, 10 full cleans, 30 burpees, and 10 full cleans. You will probably do singles or doubles on the cleans and that’s...
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For strength, choose a weight that’s about 70% of your 1RM back squat and do that weight for all five sets of squats. Focus on a controlled descent and fast ascent. We think the 15.2 workout will have either thrusters or wall balls in it, so the conditioning reflects that. Find a pace to keep...
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Don’t forget to post your result from 15.1.  Log onto, submit your score and locate you judge /counter.  I will need to verify all scores before Monday evening, so please get those in soon. Thrusters are one of those movements that have consistently come up in the Open in past years. Today, we are...
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These workouts begin with the athlete standing under their pull-up bar with the barbell loaded to the appropriate weight. After 15 toes-to-bars (sit-ups or hanging knee raises for scaled divisions) are completed the athlete will move to the barbell to perform 10 deadlifts followed by 5 snatches. After the last snatch is completed the athlete...
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For strength, pick a front squat weight about 60% of your 1RM FS and use the same weight across all sets of 2. Speed is the point here, so make sure you are moving quickly throughout the lifts. Rest should be between 60-120 seconds between lifts. Strength 2-2-2-2-2-2 Front Squat Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes:...
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Last call for Nutrition Challenge entries… Please submit anything you have by Friday night so we can complete the judging. Also we have a surprise visit tomorrow from Dave Reeman of “Move and Feel Better”.  Dave will be dropping by during the evening classes tomorrow night if anyone would like to stop by for body...
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Today we recognize Courtney as our Member of the Month! Courtney has been here since Dec. 2013 and hasn’t looked back. She joined not knowing the difference between a clean and a deadlift, but now can back squat 160#, benches 100# for two reps, and has climbed the rope! Her form has improved dramatically as...
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For strength, find two sets of 8 reps for shoulder press. The conditioning is a shorter and lighter version of Open WOD 13.1. I have the feeling that heavy snatches or a snatch ladder could show up this year, so now is the time to practice. Snatches may be power, full squat, or even split....
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