
Although we probably won’t see pistols or rope climbs in the Open, they are always good skills to work on. On the other hand, the conditioning is an Open workout from 2011 – 11.5 specifically. This is something that we may see in the Open this year, so treat it as practice! Skill skill: pistols...
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Working out of the rack or the jerk blocks, find a two rep power jerk or split jerk. Whichever you choose, do the same movement for both reps. (i.e. both power jerks or both split jerks) The conditioning will start with 15 front squats, use this opportunity to work on a solid front rack position....
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Over the past 2 and half weeks, I’ve heard some amazing things about changes our members have made to their nutrition.  People feeling great, looking great, doing better in workouts; overall the reactions have been extremely positive.   In some cases I have heard some negative things, mostly about drops in strength and overall energy....
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Today’s Met-Con begins with the Athlete holding their jump rope with the barbell loaded to the appropriate weight. After 30 double-unders are completed the athlete will move to the barbell to perform power snatches. For the power snatch to count, the barbell will move from the ground (or below the knee if the barbell is...
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  Lots to talk about for February guys… First off, next Thursday 2/12 we’ll be bringing in Dave Reeman for body work and active release therapy.  $20 for 20 minutes, please sign up at the bulletin board.  Dave will be here from 4:00-7:45pm. Saturday 2/14 is Valentines day and we’ll be doing a couples friendly...
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For bench press today, do some warm up sets (around 8 reps each) at lighter weights and then load your bodyweight or 3/4 bodyweight (for women) on the bar and go for max reps (only 1 set). Choose a weight that you can do more than 10 reps, ideally upwards of 20. The metcon has...
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Take 25-30 minutes to find a 1RM back squat. You may want to do a “walk out” where you load the bar with 105-110% of your goal weight and walk out with it on your back for 5 seconds. Then you’ll rerack the bar deload the bar to your goal weight, and attempt the 1RM....
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For strength, warm up your push press with light weight and work up to a 10 rep max. You may choose to do sets of 10 all the way up, or do smaller sets and go for your 10RM. For the metcon, find a partner with similar deadlift strength. Partner A will do 10 deadlifts...
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The metcon today should be heavy, but fast. Scale so that you can string at least 5 thrusters in the set of 15’s. If doing single unders, keep to a 1:1 ratio of 90/60/30. Strength Take 20 Minutes to find a 2RM Front Squat Conditioning For time: 15 thrusters, 135/95# 90 double unders 12 thrusters...
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