
Hang Clean, should not be a power clean, lets work on getting fast under the bar and exploding out of the hole.  Jerks can be power or split.  After 20 minutes of strength work, spend some time on muscle up technique and progressions.  If you don’t have one yet,  work on transitions, ring pull-ups and...
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The 3 position snatch is designed to have you focus on the important positions in the snatch. When we only pull from the floor, there is a tendancy to pull straight up. When we do the 3 position snatch, it reinforces the idea that you need to pull the bar into the pockets and that...
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Do not max out on the deadlift, and if you’d like to work on getting stronger in the clean, do a clean grip (double overhand with a hook grip). It may not result in doing as much weight as a mixed grip, but it will get you better at the clean. For the metcon, pick...
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Today’s WOD is an ascending ladder by 3.  Complete as many reps as possible climbing as high as possible on the rep ladder until 10 minutes are up. AMRAP in 10 Minutes 3 Thrusters (95/65) 3 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 3 Toes To Bar 6 Thrusters 6 Box Jump Overs 6 Toes to Bar Cash...
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For the power cleans, you may go up in weight each set but get to a moderate weight before counting working sets. The snatch grip push press should be light.  You may spend time exploring weights on this, but DO NOT go heavy.  This is an accessory lift to help with overhead stability, its not...
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Please set aside the morning of 12/20 for our one year anniversary party / workout.  We’ll have food, a great team WOD and a DJ!  The fun kicks off at 10:00am!
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The “7/13” squat consists of 7 front squats and 13 back squats. From a rack, do 7 front squats, rack the bar, and immediately do 13 back squats. Do not do many full sets of this as it will tax you – rather, warm up your front and back squats with a few reps each...
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Here is a great video that our friends at Cactus CrossFit posted last week.  Eat healthy, moveweight, and have a cool accent; it’ll make you look and feel great!
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Every few days, we will have structured time to work on your pull up progressions. This should not take too long since you only will be doing a few sets, but over time it will pay off. See Coach P’s blog post for more information about getting a strict pull up: TnG means “touch...
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This WOD, is a benchmark designed by Ben Bergeron, a well known and respected coach, and owner of CrossFit New England.  This workout is designed to test your capacity for the CrossFit Open. The movements can pretty much be guaranteed to be in the Open, including the barbell weights. Cleans and snatches do NOT need...
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