
Take 15-20 minutes to establish a 1RM shoulder press from the racks. No bending the knees at any point! Then warm up your deadlift to a heavy weight (~80%) and prepare for bar muscle-ups or some modification for an upper body pull (chest-to-bar pull-up, pull-up, ring row) You will have 90 seconds to do 5...
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U.S. Air Force Major David “Klepto” L. Brodeur, 34, of Auburn, Massachusetts, assigned to the 11th Air Force, based at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, died on April 27, 2011 in Kabul, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained from gunfire from an Afghan military trainee. He is survived by his wife Susie, daughter Elizabeth, and son David. “Klepto”...
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Squats are great for overall strength and five reps hit the sweet spot of absolute strength and strength endurance. For the metcon, you’ll build an ascending ladder of thrusters and HSPUs, but the double unders will remain constant. Your score will be total rounds and reps. Strength Back Squat 5, 5, 5 Conditioning AMRAP in...
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Partners will spend 2 minutes at each station trying to get as many reps as possible. After 2 minutes, you will switch to the next station and cycle through until you do 9 total rounds (each station 3 times for a total of 18 minutes) During wall balls, one partner will sit into the bottom...
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We will run this in heats and coaches will be looking for good vs. no reps on all movements. If they come over and say “no rep” you’ll have to redo the rep. How long will it take you to row 60 calories? Check out Coach P’s write up for this workout from 2014:
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For strength we’ll find a 5RM but we’re taking it from the ground. You may do a power clean or full clean to get the bar in the rack position. If you do a full clean and get below parallel, you may count that as your first rep. Then we have five rounds for time...
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For strength, do 1-3 snatches every minute on the minute. You may start light, hence there’s enough time for three snatches. As you increase the weight, you may want more rest, so feel free to drop down to 1 snatch at a time. Go off how you feel. These should be full squat. For the...
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Since we’re gearing up for the 2016 Open, we thought it would be a great idea to have an epic “Throwdown” next Friday night! Here’s what we’re looking for… We need about 8 individuals who want to “Throwdown” and test their skills in a quick custom head to head match up!  The match ups will...
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Take about 20-25 minutes to find a 5 rep max deadlift. This may be mixed grip or double overhand grip, but you may not regrip once you’ve started a set. Then, partner up – the first person does a suicide sprint and at the end of the gym does 7 burpees over a parallette (similar...
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Find a new 1RM push press from the rack. Since we’re looking for a push press, be sure to not re-bend your knees in a jerk fashion. The clean and jerks in the metcon are “Grace” style – power clean and jerks. Can anyone do this unbroken?? Strength 1RM Push Press Conditioning For time: 15...
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