
Take 20-25 minutes to build up and find a 1RM Power Snatch.  Remember, this is a power snatch, not a muscle snatch, you should still be pulling under the bar on the third pull.  Most people should be just above parallel when receiving a heavy power snatch.  For conditioning, we’ve got some mid-line work, tabata...
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Over the past week I’ve received a ton of emails and posts about goals for the Fall Nutrition challenge. Most of the goals were about fat and overall weight loss, but some folks want to gain size and muscle during the challenge. There are a couple things to think about if you’re in the “gain”...
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Don’t forget to submit your Nutrition Challenge Goals!!!! Challenge starts on Monday…. “Nasty Girls” 3 Rounds For Time 50 Squats 7 muscle ups 10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
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In this team workout, you will alternate for each segment. The exact order will be the following: Athlete A – run 200m , Athlete B – run 200m , Athlete A – 42 wall balls ,Athlete B – 42 wall balls and so on and so forth…. TIME! Athletes may use different size equipment if needed. They...
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If the Pope had a benchmark workout named after him, it would be this. A sandwich format, You’ll go through these movements one at a time and complete them before moving onto the next. Barbell should come from the ground – if you’re limited by your clean and press overhead to your back, then lower...
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The deadlift can leave you sore for a few days without a proper warm up, so make sure your body is warm and trunk is primed to move weight. We’re looking for a heavy 5 rep or go for a max if you’re feeling it. Take your time between reps – you should want to...
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Most of you guys know Maggie, she is a new member and intern at CrossFit Thermal.  Maggie is a weightlifter, a CrossFitter, and also played softball throughout college.  She currently is a speed and agility coach and is starting to bring her talent to CrossFit Thermal.  One of the things we’ve been striving for at...
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Last week we hammered the lower body, so today we’re going to balance that out for the upper body beasts of the box. “Lynne” is a benchmark workout where you will try to get as many bodyweight bench presses (scale weight accordingly) as possible, then immediately get on a pull-up bar and do as many...
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There will be tons of resources available to you during this season’s Nutrition Challenge; here is the first one!  Thanks Coach Kate… Not sure what to eat during the nutrition challenge?  Want to try something new but unsure if you will like it?  Here is your chance to experiment and share your favorite meals!  Kate...
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To find your 1RM jerk, focus on staying upright in the dip and using your legs to drive the bar off your shoulders. Once the bar gets to your forehead, punch under it and lock those arms out. Power jerks or split jerks are options for today. The metcon is short and sweet but you’ve...
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