
For strength, set up your empty bar and weights that you will need for your power snatch. At the call of 3-2-1 GO, you may take exactly 15 minutes to find your 1RM power snatch or snatch for the day. The Metcon is a team style WOD. Athletes may start chipping away as soon as...
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During strength you’ll be working up to a heavy 3 rep hang clean. You may put the bar down but only if you immediately pick it back up between lifts. New lifters and those not yet using heavy weight should keep the bar off the ground between sets to work grip, and upper back strength....
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The goal is to test your fitness level by testing your ability to recover. After going all out on round one, you rest about 10 minutes, do it again in 10, and then again in another ten or so. How much fall off you experience in your second and third round time is suggestive of...
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Work on form and speed under the bar during the jerks today. If its going up smoothly, go for a 2 rep max! Conditioning should be a light barbell allowing for several rounds to be completed. Try to stay unbroken where possible, or do each movement in one set each. Hustle on the runs. Strength...
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Today is 15 minutes of straight work. Each team member starts at one station and rotates on the minute, keep track of reps at every station then total them up after the 15 minutes. Power snatches should be light, but continue to be conscious of form. No rest between movements, treat this as an endurance...
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If you’re feeling it today, push it and go for a 2RM, otherwise, just build up to a heavy double. Go hard in the conditioning phase toda. 21-15-9 is a sprint style WOD, just make sure your KB arm stays close to your ear in the overhead position. Be safe, but move quickly. Make sure...
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20 Minute Cap on this Chipper. Most won’t finish this WOD, but thats ok, just see how far you can get in the alotted time. Try to mentally dial in and ignore the urge to take long breaks here, your mind wants a break, but you might not need one. Also you need air, that...
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A classic CrossFit Benchmark today, go hard on all the runs and try to go unbroken, at least for the KBs.  Use a scale for pull-ups that will keep you moving, try to stay away from bands today, its all about conditioning.  Good luck!! “HELEN” 3 Rounds for Time 400M Run 21 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)...
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For Strength today, set up a snatch bar that would equate to a moderate to heavy snatch for you (80-90% if you have a true 1RM). On the opening minute, you’ll complete a set of 5 snatch grip deads, use this as a chance to practice staying tight throughout the core and becoming more comfortable...
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Hey guys, don’t forget to come out and support team Thermal at this Saturdays competition at CrossFit KOP!!  In case you didn’t know, CF comps are a spectator friendly event!  Drinking is encouraged, but most importantly being a solid support group for our team is encouraged. We need as many of us as we can...
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