Today we are going to work on handstand push up progressions. First, we need to develop shoulder strength to support ourselves, then we need to be comfortable being upside down. Box walks are just like wall walks but your feet are on a 24″ box. The goal is to start far away from the box...Read More
Reminder – this coming Monday is Memorial Day “Murph” WorkOut at 10:00am, cookout to follow. Back squat today is three sets of five, but you may be wondering what that weird notation is (22X0). In the strength and conditioning world, this is a way of explaining tempo. So for each squat today, take 2 seconds...Read More
With Black Out week behind us, we hope that you all had fun tackling some benchmark WODs and some other exciting, outside the box type workouts. Moving forward its time get focused on a new 6 week cycle. CrossFit Thermal will be dedicating the following training phase to gymnastics. For CrossFitters, gymnastics can really mean...Read More