Today marks 6 weeks since the end of the Open, so we are going to retest our squat and metabolic conditioning! Take 25 minutes to find a 1RM back squat – you may want to do a “walk out” where you load 20-40 pounds more than your intended 1RM, stand up with it on your...Read More
For strength, take the push press out of the racks and do sets of 4, working up in weight each time. Take about 15 minutes to find a 4RM. Conditioning is a mini version of “Kelly” (5 rounds of 400m run, 30 box jumps, and 30 KB swings) The idea here is to keep moving...Read More
“Team Cindy” will be done in partner format. Partner A will complete 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 air squats, then Partner B will go and complete the same. They will alternate in this fashion for 30 total minutes. Your score is the total amount of rounds + reps completed as partners. “Team...Read More
Hey guys don’t forget to check out our weekly endurance class!! Looks like fun right? See the calendar at the gym for dates and times… Find a 3 rep bench press that you can do five sets at the same weight. The first set should feel pretty good since we...Read More
Note that today is 5 sets of 3 reps, regardless of whether you had to drop to this scheme or not. We are testing the 1RM back squat on Monday 5/11/15 and this will be one of the last heavy squat days before that. You will obviously need to increase the weight from your normal...Read More
Take the beginning of class (15 minutes) to work on your handstands and handstand progressions. If you’ve never been upside down on the wall, try it! If you are proficient at HSPU’s, try deficits and handstand holds/walks. The metcon is a chipper for time. Complete each movement before moving onto the next. Skill: HSPU’s, handstands,...Read More
Take 15-20 minutes to find a 5RM front squat – you may fail at some point, this will let you know that the previous lift was a true 5RM. Thruster weight in conditioning should be heavy. You may not string seven in a row, but you shouldn’t have to do singles. Strength Take 20 minutes...Read More