Ladies….here is your WOD. After 3,2,1…GO. Ladies will complete the dead lift section of the workout Complete either 15 Dead lifts at 180# or 20 Dead lifts at 165# as a team. Upon completion, ladies will move onto shoulder to overhead They must complete 50 reps at 65# as a team Finally each team of...Read More
Take 15 minutes to find a heavy, but not maximal 3 rep front squat. This will prime you for the conditioning which is 30 cleans to overhead. One rep consists of a full clean, then either do a thruster or stand up and do a push press or jerk. Choose a moderate weight, but something...Read More
A hang power snatch starts in the hang position (mid-thigh) and ends in a quarter squat with the bar overhead. You MAY drop the bar or lower the bar to the ground and go into a power snatch – focus on getting in a good starting position for the power snatch (hence why we are...Read More
Here is a great write-up from Coach P on what you should and shouldn’t be drinking during the challenge, if you’re interested its a quick read with lots of useful info. Thanks P!!! Today for strength, one set consists of 10 lifts: push press + jerk + push press + jerk + push press...Read More
Today is the start of the CrossFit Thermal nutrition challenge. We’ve set up this workout for today to coincide with the challenge. We will retest this workout at the end of the challenge to see how nutritional changes effect your overall performance. Strength Test 1 RM Deadlift Conditioning Test Against a 10 minute Running Clock:...Read More
During the conditioning segment today use a continuously running clock and run 10 meters the first minute, run 20 meters the 2nd minute, 30 meters at the 3rd minute…. continue until you cannot complete the distance within the minute. Strength 5RM Bench Press Conditioning “Death By 10 Meters”Read More
Take about 15 minutes to find a max box jump height. Add plates for incremental increases. A running start is acceptable, but both feet must leave the ground at the same time. The beginning and end of the metcon include 100 double unders each. In between those, you will do a couplet involving power snatches...Read More
Don’t forget, tonight at 6:30pm your CF Thermal coaches will do a Q+A for the upcoming nutrition challenge. This is in place of the 6:30pm class time, so if you want to hit the workout today, come before the 6:30 class. The Forge will also be open at 6:30pm. For the metcon, each person...Read More
Registration for the CrossFit Open is Jan. 15th which means we are closing in on our “in-season.” For our next cycle, we will be focusing on basic skills, maintaining our strength, and preparing for the CrossFit Open. The Open will have a scaled and Rx division and we highly recommend signing up for it! Although...Read More