The 3 rep power snatch is taken from the ground and lands in a power position (quarter squat). These should be touch and go reps, meaning you should hold onto the bar, but may rest in the hang position. For beginners, either do 3 rep HANG power snatches, or just practice single hang power or...Read More
Work up to three working sets of 5 rep deadlifts (go for a max if you wish). Then you’ll do four Tabatas: do a full 8 rounds of pull ups (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) then rest 1 full minute before beginning front squats. Continue in this fashion for all four movements. You will...Read More
Skill 5 minutes for pull up progressions Strength (15 min) Bench Press 10, 10, 10 Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes: 10 Power cleans, 135/95# 10 toes to bar 10 KB swings, 53/35#Read More
Over the last few weeks you may have had a class with Molly or Aileen running the show. They’ve been doing an awesome job for us and I wanted to let everyone know that we’ve added their bios to our website! Please take a minute to get to know them better by stopping by the...Read More
Strength is a quick 3 sets of 5 back squats (15 minutes max), so stay sub-maximal, but ensure that the 3 working sets are heavy enough to feel them. The metcon is a simple sandwich, starting and ending with wall ball shots. You may do strict or kipping HSPUs or scale to a progression such...Read More
Today, strength is basically warming up the OHS and finding a heavier weight than you will use in the metcon. Doing this will work your overhead mobility and also make the metcon feel “easier” at first. In the metcon, you will start with 10 OHS, then 10 pull ups, then 20 double unders. Then you’ll...Read More
This week’s schedule: Wednesday 12/31 (NYE) all normal classes except 6:30pm Thursday 1/1/15 – CLOSED for New Years Day Friday 1/2/15 – My Mom’s birthday!!! – business as usual For the complex, the bar will start on the ground and you will do the listed movements in order. Take as many sets as you need...Read More
The pause snatch is a full snatch, but with a 2 second pause in the hang position after the first pull from the ground. The hang is defined as middle of the thigh. In this position, your shins should be perpendicular to the ground, knees slightly bent with tension in the hamstrings, bar pressed into...Read More
Strength Back Squat 2,2,2,2 Conditioning 6 rounds, :60 on, :60 off: 5 box jumps, 24/20″ 5 hang power cleans, 95/65# ME front rack lunges, 95/65# With back squats today, do at least 4 heavy sets of 2 – you do not need to find a 2 rep max, but you may if you can fit...Read More