The beginning of class will focus on strength and skill. Warm up to a heavy 5 rep back squat and maintain that weight across 4 sets. Alternate those with handstand practice – kicking up to a wall and doing a handstand hold, wall walks, handstand push ups, kipping handstand push ups, handstand walks, freestanding handstands,...Read More
Today we’ll take the jerk from the rack. You may either split, power, push, or squat jerk depending on your personal preference. No matter what you choose, make sure you have a solid rack position to launch that bar off your shoulders and make sure your torso is vertical. Lock the elbows out as soon...Read More
John Dempsey is our inspiration for the December Member WOD. John grew up in Northeast Philadelphia and rowed competitively in high school and college. In his spare time, John likes to cook, play softball, and Crossfit (of course) He also likes to hang out with family and friends, and has been happily married for over...Read More
For the strength portion of the workout, doing a clean pull + power clean will help those who have an early arm bend. Remember to keep those arms loose through the first and second pulls (from the ground and from mid-thigh) The metcon is named after a “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” question that...Read More
For this workout, you will row 500m and immediately attempt to do as many pull ups as possible. (Similar to “Lynne” with bench and pull ups) Rest as needed between sets. If you need to scale pull ups, choose a scale where you get 10+ pull ups in your first set (but don’t use such...Read More
During Strength today, we’ll be doing sets “across” on the bench press. This means that you’ll find an appropriate 10 rep weight and stick with it for all 3 sets. Spend some time warming up and exploring then, go for the 3 sets. Your last few reps in each set should be pretty challenging. Strength...Read More
For the strength portion, we are looking to establish footwork so that we do not move our feet from the power position (landing) to the OHS. Ideally your power snatch and your OHS have the same foot placement. In the metcon, you will work with a partner to get as many reps as possible at...Read More
Strength Power snatch + 3 OHS Conditioning With a partner: AMRAP in 60 seconds at each station, no rest between stations. 4 total rounds: Burpee pull ups Thrusters, 115/75# KB swings, 70/55#Read More
We are looking for heaviest deadlift you can pull twice. A very very slight regrip between reps is acceptable, but anything more (including standing up and resetting) will not count. Remember to set that back, torque your legs by twisting them into the ground, and drive through the heels. For the metcon, establish control on...Read More
Community News Next Monday evening at 5:30pm, Dave Reeman will be with us to provide body work and active release massages for anyone interested. Dave has been here before and he works wonders on tight areas and helps to improve mobility around tired joints. $20 for a session with Dave, sign up at the box.Read More