Why in 2023 workouts at CrossFit gyms are curated as often as they are created, and why that is good news for members. Burpees, thrusters, box jumps, back squats and more! We could list a thousand different exercises and create 100, 000 possible combinations to use them in, I’m sure. But what makes a workout design great? By our definition it is something that is fun, effective, and interesting. Why fun? Or maybe at least enjoyable? Because if it isn’t, most people won’t do it often enough to see results. We see a lot of folks coming in from a running background who say they want something that is “more fun”, because after years of pounding pavement as their only means of fitness, they’ve gotten bored. Of course, we need it to be effective, your time is valuable, and you don’t want to spend an hour on something that doesn’t...
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