Take 15 minutes to work on the snatch. Stay submax so you can focus on form. (Do NOT go for a new 1RM unless you are very new to the snatch). For condiitioning, snatch weight should be very manageable and for the lunges, each leg counts as 1 for the lunges (L/R = 2). Strength...Read More
Find three heavy sets of 5 front squat which will help you warm up for the metcon. The metcon starts with 115/75 for the set of 20 cleans, but then increases in weight. You’ll be in charge of loading your own bar. If you cannot do 185/125# cleans, then scale accordingly to have 4 different...Read More
So you’re still on the fence about joining Team Thermal in the 2015 Open? I’ve spoken to many of you about how this is a chance to see what pushing yourself to the next level is about. This is an opportunity to see how you’ve improved yourself. There are no prerequisites to being on this...Read More
Find three sets of 3 heavy clean-grip deadlifts, but do not max out. (leave some in the tank as we will have cleans in the near future) The conditioning is a grind to get through multiple rounds, so let’s see who can do it! Who can get 2 or more rounds?? Strength 3, 3, 3...Read More
For strength, take 15-20 minutes to find a 20 rep back squat. The best way to approach this is with a moderate cadence – do not try to do these reps quickly. Rather, take a breath at the top of each squat, take a controlled descent and quickly pop up to breathe again. We recommend...Read More
Spend 10 minutes to find 3 heavy-ish sets of 5 shoulder press and then 10 minutes to find 3 heavy-ish sets of 5 overhead squats. Conditioning should be a fairly fast workout – time cap is 10 minutes, so choose a weight that feels moderately heavy for deadlifts and choose a scale for pull ups...Read More
Although we probably won’t see pistols or rope climbs in the Open, they are always good skills to work on. On the other hand, the conditioning is an Open workout from 2011 – 11.5 specifically. This is something that we may see in the Open this year, so treat it as practice! Skill skill: pistols...Read More
Working out of the rack or the jerk blocks, find a two rep power jerk or split jerk. Whichever you choose, do the same movement for both reps. (i.e. both power jerks or both split jerks) The conditioning will start with 15 front squats, use this opportunity to work on a solid front rack position....Read More
Today’s Met-Con begins with the Athlete holding their jump rope with the barbell loaded to the appropriate weight. After 30 double-unders are completed the athlete will move to the barbell to perform power snatches. For the power snatch to count, the barbell will move from the ground (or below the knee if the barbell is...Read More