For conditioning, you’ll be doing one minute intervals. Each minute (on) athletes must complete 20 double unders and ten push-ups before starting power cleans. Double unders and push-ups are a “buy in” to get to the power cleans which will be tallied to give you your score. Strength Push Press 5,5,5,5 Conditioning :60 on, :60...Read More
Today’s strength and conditioning are done in teams of 3 athletes. First you’ll have 10 total minutes to find a 5RM front squat from the racks. Work quickly and get everyone through. Your first score is the total poundage of all 3 lifters. After strength, there is time to setup your conditioning stations. Athlete A...Read More
During skill time today, use the time to get better at body-weight / gymnastic skills. Keep working on kipping, and getting comfortable being upside down. Advanced athletes should work on pistols, muscles ups and handstand walks. Conditioning is the benchmark “Jackie”, can you go unbroken for the whole workout? Skill Take 20 minutes to...Read More
For strength today, we’ll be working on clean and jerk efficiency and technique. You’ll do 3 lifts per minute. Advanced athletes may use 70% of their 1RM Power Clean for this EMOM. Newer athletes may change the weight as they start to feel more comfortable with the lift. If you do not have a “heavy”...Read More
Add weight to the last time you did back squats. You may need to make smaller increments, even a total of 2.5 or 5 pounds this time compared to last. We want to increase the weight to follow the linear progression that most of you should be able to follow. If you CAN’T complete the...Read More
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for...Read More
For strength, find the heaviest weight you can do for this complex. You may not drop the weight in between the push press and jerk. The metcon should be treated like a burner – as fast as possible. Scale ring dips to box ring dips, parallette dips, dips with your hands on two high boxes...Read More
Use the beginning of class to warm up your deadlift. This should be a heavy deadlift, but not impossible (No more than 70% of your 1RM deadlift) Scale rope climbs to 3:1 rope pulls. AMRAP in 20 minutes: Run 400m 2 rope climbs 5 deadlifts, 275/185#Read More
For strength, do one hang snatch + 2 overhead squats on the minute for 8 minutes. (The hang snatch does not count as your first OHS) You may use the same weight each time or add weight to any set you’d like. Keep in mind that this is designed to work on form. Ben Bergeron...Read More