
Take 15-20 minutes to find a heavy, but pretty HPC+PC. Try to hold onto the bar in between reps to work grip strength, but establish a solid starting position. Conditioning is an escalating ladder of handstand push ups and deadlifts. Scale the HSPU’s by elevating your feet on a box in a pike position, wall...
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Take the 1RM from last week and load 75-80% on the bar for 3 sets of 5 reps (same weight across all sets). Make sure you are getting as low as you can (ass to grass) in those squats! Conditioning is a benchmark called “Karen” – hopefully a 20# or 14# wall ball feels light...
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Take about 15 minutes to get in 3 solid sets of push press today. No need to go for a max unless you want to. We’re going to take advantage of the 70 degree weather and sun to get outside for our first real running WOD of the season. Watch out for cars pulling in...
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For strength today, we’ll be working up to a heavy 2 RM Power Snatch.  You may use a touch and go style, or you may re-grip in between lifts.  Try to get close to your 1RM Power Snatch, you might surprise yourself and hit an old PR for a double today.  Conditioning is a descending...
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CrossFit Thermal will be closed on Sunday 4/5 for the Easter Holiday. Take about 20 minutes to find a 2RM deadlift. No regripping allowed between reps. For the conditioning, we have a heavy clean, a midline focus with toes to bar, and something to keep your lungs going with wall balls. The clean should be...
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Don”t forget Dave Reeman will be in the house tonight (Thursday) starting at 4:00pm, please sign up for 15 minutes of top notch body work / massage.  $20 Help support Thermal athletes Nick and Dave as they take on the Festivus Games at CrossFit South Philly on 4/18.  You can still sign up for this...
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Did you hear about CrossFit Thermal’s new Goal Setting Program with Coach P…  Snatches in strength are full squat – warm up appropriately and start with a weight you know you can do. Increase the weight slightly each set, but don’t make huge jumps. If you find a weight that you want to stick...
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Today we end the month by celebrating Drew and the work he has put in over the past year at CrossFit Thermal, especially this past month. Hitting several PRs during the Open (7 unbroken muscle ups, multiple cleans at his previous 1RM (185#)) and his good-natured attitude earned him this recognition. In terms of significance...
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Now that the Open is over, we’ll be getting back on our regular 6 week cycles focusing on various things throughout the year. For these six weeks after the Open, we’ll be focusing on getting stronger and the best way to do that is by squatting. Today we will measure our 1RM back squats as...
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Take about 20 minutes to get 3 heavy working sets of 5 bench presses. Then, conditioning is a simple triplet of deadlifts, push ups, and double unders. If you need to scale push ups, find an elevated surface to do them so you can have a full plank body. Scale for double unders is 3x...
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