And the winners are…….Trish, Stacey and Heather!!!! Today we would like to officially congratulate the winners of the CrossFit Thermal Nutrition Challenge. It took some time to get through everyone’s submissions but in the end these 3 ladies came out on top. Dedication and team work were the most important ingredients in this winning recipe. ...Read More
Split jerks are from the rack or the blocks today, no need to clean it first. Focus on footwork and creating a stable base with a vertical front shin and a bent back knee with your heel off the ground and in line with your foot in the back. The conditioning will look like this:...Read More
For strength, do at least 3 heavy sets of 3 back squats. As we preach, back squats are good for the soul. Then, for conditioning, you’ll do 5 mini-AMRAPs. If you’ve done “Chief” then you know the format, except we are going with 2 minute rounds. Keep track of where you left off, so you...Read More
Strength Take 20 minutes to find a heavy complex of Hang Power clean + Power clean Conditioning For time: 15 power cleans, (60% of HPC+PC) 20 pull ups 15 power cleans 20 pull ups 15 power cleans 20 pull upsRead More
In the beginning of class, take some time to work on your HSPU progressions. Stinkbugs are a good start, but also get your feet up on a box to get inverted or try wall walks. Practice kicking up into a handstand and hold it as well. Conditioning is a ladder of thrusters and burpees –...Read More
Strength / Skill Alternating for 3 rounds, not for time: A1) 5-15 pull ups, depending on proficiency A2) 5 deadlifts, heavy Conditioning For time: 30 box jumps, 24/20″ 30 shoulder to overhead, 115/75# 20 box jumps 20 shoulder to overhead 10 box jumps 10 shoulder to overheadRead More
This workout begins with the athlete standing under the rings. At the call of “3-2-1 … go,” the athlete will jump up and perform muscle-ups. Once all the muscle-up reps are complete they will move to the wall-ball shots then to the double-unders. After the last double-under, the athlete will move back to the rings...Read More
Happy Birthday Coach P!!! Wanted to take a moment to wish a very happy birthday to Coach P. I can honestly say that I’ve never known someone with an all around more genuine interest in helping others achieve their goals. We’re happy to have him as a coach here at Thermal. From The CrossFit...Read More
The push press in our strength may be cycled quickly or you may reset between reps, both are acceptable. The conditioning consists of movements we may see later in the Open so let’s practice! For the burpee box jump over, do a burpee, jump on top or over the box and land on the other...Read More