
I wanted to use this blog post to make sure everyone knows how to sign up for class.  It’s really simple, and will make your experience that much better at Thermal!  It’s beneficial for us to know how many people are coming to class, so we can be prepared for you!  When you sign up, we can prepare by getting your numbers from the tracker, and also make sure we have adequate coaching. Here’s the steps (I added screenshots just to make sure you get it): 1.  From our site, click on  2.  If you already have an account, skip to step #6 3.  If you do not have an account, click Sign Up! 4.  You’re screen will look like this :   5.  Follow directions to create a new account 6.  Click on Tab that says “Classes”  7.  Click Sign Up Now!   8.  From here, you can either...
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Today we continue our shoulder press linear progression by adding 2.5-5#. Bar speed should still be fast, but those last couple reps might be a fight. Our AMRAP is longer than usual and intentionally has few reps per round. The idea here is to pick a heavy clean weight (somewhere in the 70-80% range of your 1RM) and get through a good amount of rounds. Yes, we’re looking for a full clean today!
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Strength 3×5 Bench Press, add 2.5-10# from last week* Conditioning For time: 15-10-5 Power snatch, 115/75 Toes to bar Ring dips
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*see picture for an explanation of percentages. We want to add about 2-4% to the bar from last week. Find your 1RM on the left and move over to the highlight in that row. That is about how much you should add to the bar. A way to “feel” it out is the bar speed. If your bar speed slows down significantly, make the increments smaller. For instance, even though a 175# 1RM calls for adding 5# from last week’s 3×5 at 131.25#, if my bar speed is slow, I should only add 2.5# this week. Conversely, if you’re feeling great, or on the cusp, you may want to add a bit more. Just realize that in future weeks, you may need to add less than usual. If your 1RM is less than 100#, then add 2.5# even though it technically does not fit the formula.
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