During skill practice, choose a HSPU progression that’s harder than you normally would do for a HSPU workout. Challenge yourself to do something you haven’t done before. Spend about 15 minutes on these progressions. Front squats for the metcon will go from the ground. If you are working on a harder pull up progression than...Read More
Competitor WOD tomorrow morning at 8:00am if anyone is interested!!! If not…… For strength, you will do a clean + thruster. This may be a power clean, then a thruster, or a squat clean into thruster. You can simply think of this as a thruster from the ground. Take about 15 minutes to find the...Read More
Reminder – Anyone interested in Summer Slam 8/22, please be ready to sign your team up on June 1st, it will sell out quickly. https://www.facebook.com/cfgeventsss?fref=ts Today we go back to working on pull-up progressions. Try to increase difficulty if you did this last Wednesday, otherwise pick A, B, or C and complete your work (not...Read More
CrossFit Thermal Welcomes Kate Connolly to the Team!!! The winter of 2011, was the last time that I had something that Kate didn’t. That something happened to be HBO! New to the gym, and a major hockey fan, Kate made it clear that she wasn’t going to miss the Flyers / Rangers 24/7 series that...Read More
Mark your calendars… Join us at 6:30pm on the following dates for our weekly endurance classes! 5/27 6/3 6/10 6/17 6/24 Don’t forget Kids day at CrossFit Thermal is Sunday June 14th at 11:00am. Today we recognize Britt as our Member of the Month! She has been an integral part of the (mostly) daytime classes...Read More
Thanks for coming out to celebrate “Murph” and Memorial Day 2015… The metcon today should be a challenge in both weight and HSPU’s. Challenge yourself to do more than you might usually do for this kind of workout. Strength Push Press 5, 5, 5 Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 10 deadlifts, 275/185# 10 deficit HSPU’s...Read More
Don’t forget, we will run one big class at 10am and then stay after to BBQ and play yard games. Feel free to bring any snacks or drinks if you’d like! We will provide the MEAT! In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th,...Read More
Today you’ll work in teams of two, one person working at a time. Person A starts with a movement, then rotate as needed, accumulating as many reps at each station as possible. After 60 seconds, rotate to the next station, and so on until you have done 4 total rounds (16 total minutes) Teams do...Read More