Complete Your daily OAK training, you’ll either be on day 1 or 2 today. Conditioning is an interval style workout. Starting at the front of the gym, athletes will complete 7 burpees, then take off on a suicide sprint. We will do this in heats so athletes will be given “full” recocery between efforts. For...Read More
Hey guys, there has been a buzz around the gym about some Fall events that are coming up. I just wanted to write a quick blog post to put them all in one place for us…here we go! Nutrition Challenge Ends on 10/28 – please submit your journals, before and afters, results and findings to...Read More
2 AMRAPs, each a couplet, with 5 minutes rest between. Take time to warm up the lifts to hone in those motor patterns. We’re doing the power variations of the snatch and CJ since we’ll be squatting more than usual with the start of Oak Strong. Scale the weight if you need to, and find...Read More Today’s the first day of our Oak Strong Program. If you didn’t do so last week, ignore this programming and focus on obtaining a 5RM/1RM for each back squat and press. If you have a recent 5RM for the squat, you may skip that. For the metcon, you’ll do a full Tabata of Apollo...Read More
“Cindy” is a bodyweight specialist’s dream – as many rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats for 20 minutes. To balance that out today, we’re going to add 3 moderately heavy deadlifts each round. As you fatigue, be sure to setup properly with a strong back and use those legs to drive through...Read More
For this workout, you’ll be in partners, alternating the work. Partner A with do 15 thrusters and 15 burpees over bar, then Partner B will do 15 thrusters and 15 burpees over bar. Partner A will do their 12’s followed by B doing their 12’s. Finally, Partner A will do 9 thrusters/9 burpees and Partner...Read More
Upcoming Programming Phase for CrossFit Thermal Starting Monday 10/19, CrossFit Thermal will begin a new structured strength program during our group classes. Our membership base has grown both in size and in experience level and we feel that now is a good opportunity to increase the exposure to certain lifts and practices. In the past,...Read More Strength is an Olympic lifting accessory exercise – check out our instructional video. Then the metcon is a station rotation – you’ll spend 30 seconds at each trying to get as many reps as possible, then rest 30 seconds. Then move on to the next station and do the same. You may start at...Read More
Today is our benchmark for back squat and press. The priority is to find a 5RM – if you already did last week (or recently) then just focus on your 1RM. If you do not have a recent 5RM though, you’ll need it to start the Oak Strong program next week since we’ll be taking...Read More